Saturday, July 24, 2010

Finding the 'Holy Grail' in Russia

An international collaboration among Basque and Russian people.


Finding the 'Holy Grail' in Russia.

It has been a real pleasure to get to know so many people: Nikita, Misha and Sergey through internet. Alexander, Ilya and Valery in person.

Long live Karelia!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Some comments

Enrico Cavina (La Beccacia Scientifica), comment on the work:

… Really thanks for this honour: your work deserves the Nobel Prize for “Woodcock’s Research”. Congratulations!


Charles Fadat (, comment on Enrico’s comment:

Bravo! Bravissimo!!

Philippe Aznar (Bécasse Passion), comment on Enrico’s comment:


Christian Ortega (CLS, Argos), comment on Enrico’s comment:

Bravo Joseba.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Some photographic documents (Araba's PTT in Karelia)

The PTT and one of the fir trees

Can you see the PTT?

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The recovery of Araba's PTT in Karelia

In our third experiment about the tracking of the Scolopax rusticola in 2008, Araba’s PTT kept emitting up to October 20th.

We knew that the bird was dead or its PTT detached, since the activity sensor was without changing during all the last emissions.

We try to recover that PTT in 2008 with the help of MTI and of some researchers. But there was no way to get it.

In 2009, with the help of some organizations and of some researchers we tried a new approach to find that PTT.

Finally, using a special methodology developed some time ago by Paul Howey (MTI) and with the invaluable help of very good friends, we recovered the PTT.


Finding a lost PTT-Part 2, explained by Paul Howey[1].

(1) Kind of scanner: ALINCO-DJ-X3.
(2)Frequencies: Main frequency: 401.682. Upper frequency: 401.687. Lower frequency: 401.675.
(3) Time the PTT was emitting: around 3 hours and a half.

(a) We have proved that Paul Howey’s methodology to find lost PTTs is correct. We have proved that VHF telemetry is the ideal method to find lost PTTs.

(b) Argos is correct when they say that the accuracy of a 3 class location is inside a circle of 250 meters of radius[2].

However, as pointed out by Christian Ortega of CLS (Argos), one should take into account the ellipse results. The circle error is an approximation and with “flat” ellipses, error estimated may be quite different. That was our case [3].

(c) It has been a real pleasure to know a lot of different people: some through e.mails and internet (Nikita, Misha and Sergey), others (Alexandr, Ilya and Valery) in real touch. All of them will always be in our memory, if only because all and each of them were able to give us the opportunity to have a real wonderful time in Karelia.

Thanks a lot! (= Mila esker!)

Long live Karelia!
As Shakespeare wrote: All’s Well That Ends Well!

For more information, see The recovery of Araba's PTT in Karelia:

[2] In Argos’s words: The location class is attributed based on the radius of error. The location class and associated error are sufficient for many applications, in and 

Sunday, February 7, 2010

SRWF: Araba from the Basque Country to Karelia

In our third project, 2008, we deal with two prototypes given by Microwave Telemetry Inc. One of the prototypes is used by Araba.

On March 10th, 2008, the woodcock Araba was caught in Lukiano (Araba, Basque Country). Araba is male, young, his weight 335 grams.

Araba went up to the surroundings of Rantala in Suojarvi, Republic of Karelia, travelling around 3,280 km.

From September 14th on, in all the different emissions the activity sensor has not changed: so, the bird is dead and/or his PTT is detached.

Some conclusions:

a) Speed of flight

On April 26th, Araba in his way from Germany to Sweden crossed the sea at night (from 20:18 to 21:56, UTC) given two emissions to travel 108 km. So, his speed of flight was 66 km/h.

b) Resting periods

Araba was resting in Sweden two days.

c) Duty cycle

This new PTT has a special duty cycle of 55/8. Taking into account the data from our previous two projects and the data from this project, here some clear consequences of the use of this new technology during 2008:

(1) The charge of the PTT has been greater than in our previous experiments.
(2) In each emission per day, Argos has given more locations this year than in the previous two years.
(3) The emissions’ data given by Argos have been much better in quality and quantity.
(4) The frequency of the emissions has been more regular than in the two previous projects.
(5) The frequency has been broken only in very few occasions, when clearly there were no interference problems. So, as hypothesis, we have tried to link this phenomenon with the woodcock’ roding or croule.
(6) The problem of the interferences has been overcome with high charge, as we proposed in our previous experiments.

d) Roding or croule

Araba has been ‘missing’ during some few days, when it was in Araba (Basque Country) and in the breeding zone. Was it roding? Mating females?

Can be related those missing days to mating after roding? It is really difficult to give a right answer, but we have tried to see all these ‘missing’ days, and, as hypotheses, tried to relate those data with possible mating periods .

e) Interferences

It is true that there are interferences around the Mediterranean Sea. In our two previous projects there was no way to localize the birds in different places of Europe and during long periods of time.

It is clear that MTI and Argos did know that problem. This is why Paul Howey (of MTI) wanted to check two prototypes in Europe and with woodcocks:

(i) To know whether the prototype charge better or not.
(ii) To know if the new PTT charge well with such a special bird as the woodcock is (moving in special spaces, traveling at night, and so on).
(iii) To know the performance of the new PTT against the European interferences. (We do know that in order to overcome the interferences the PTT’s charge is the main variable.)

The final result is net: the European interferences have been overcome with the new PTT, during all the time the tracking lasted and in all the different atmospheric circumstances.

Is it possible to gather even more data? To gather even more accurate data? We will keep working, researching, trying to know more about the migration of the Scolopax rusticola and to gather data with more frequency and better accuracy, always following the advices of MTI.

For more information, see Scolopax rusticola without frontiers: See also Scolopax rusticola without frontiers: Araba from the Basque Country to Karelia, paper to be presented at the 5th International Symposium DYNAMICS OF GAME POPULATIONS IN NORTHERN EUROPE, Rabocheostrovsk, Republic of Karelia, Russia:

Last note: Araba’s PTT was recovered in Rantala, region of Suojarvi, Karelia in September, 2009. See The recovery of Araba’s PTT in Karelia:

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Some photographic documents (Araba)

Araba before his release

Araba after his release

Araba's track: 3,280 km

Araba's PTT in Karelia

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Some photographic documents (Laguna)

Laguna after his release

Laguna's track : 3,710 km

Laguna dead

Laguna whole track: around 7,400 km. Laguna, iron woodcock

Monday, February 1, 2010

SRWF: Laguna iron woodcock

Laguna [1] was caught in Legutio (Araba, Basque Country) in 2008. Laguna is male, young, his weight is 385 grams.

Laguna has gone up to the surroundings of Elizarovo, in Kostroma.

After the emission given on September 24th, Laguna gave no more datum. On December 27th was hunted at Legutio, at 454 meters from his release point.

How is it that his PTT gave no datum at all?

Laguna’s weight when we caught him, before his release: 385 grams. Laguna’s weight when he was hunted: 300 grams. This decrease is normal, since the bird traveled from Russia and crossed the whole Europe.

But this decrease does not explain the fact that his PTT gave no datum. In spite of some possible looseness of the harness, the PTT could have been charged and, therefore, it could have emitted.

Despite his death, Laguna has also become an Iron woodcock. He has been able to come back to the same place where we caught him, crossing Europe while the hunting period was open. All in all, his whole track has been around 7,420 km.

Long live Laguna!

For more information, see Scolopax rusticola without frontiers:

[1] The name Laguna is our small tribute to Paul Howey, to show him our friendship. Laguna means friend in Basque.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Accuracy of A and B class locations

We have been tracking woodcocks via satellite with PTTs developed by Microwave Telemetry Inc (MTI) since 2006.

The first two projects fixed the beginning of a new era in the knowledge of that migration. It was the first time that such experiments were made in Europe with this kind of birds, due to their small weight and their very special behavior.

In these projects (first with 12 gram Solar PPTs in 2006; second with 9.5 gram Solar PTTs in 2007) we have real problems with interference. (As a result, we thought that one possible way to overcome the interference could be to increase the charge of the PTTs.)

In March 2008, MTI gave us two new prototypes (9.5 grams) equipped with a new technology, to try and prove them.

The final result was net: the European interferences were overcome with both PTTs, during all the time the tracking lasted and in all the different atmospheric circumstances [1].

Location accuracy

Location accuracy of emissions gathered via satellite is the matter. We dealt with these kinds of accuracies in a previous paper [2].

Let’s try a new approach taking into account the new data given by Argos.


According to Argos [3]:

“(a) What is the accuracy of Doppler locations?
Location accuracy varies with the geometrical conditions of the satellite passes
[4], the stability of the transmitter oscillator, the number of messages collected and their distribution in the pass. This means in particular that a given transmitter can have locations distributed over several classes during its lifetime.
Classes for which accuracy is estimated and related values:

- Class 3: better than 150 m on both axes [5], 250 m radius
- Class 2: better than 350 m, 500 m radius
- Class 1: better than 1000 m, 1500 m radius
- Class 0: over 1000 m, over 1500 m radius

These are estimations at one sigma.

The error is assumed to be isotropic and hence characterized by a single number called the radius of error. It corresponds to one standard deviation (sigma) of the estimated location error. The location class is attributed based on the radius of error. The location class and associated error are sufficient for many applications.

(b) How accurate are class A & B locations (empirical data on class A & B)?

Class A & B location may be accurate. We cannot specify the accuracy since more messages are needed to estimate the error. We can just say that class A locations are usually more accurate than class B because the transmit frequency has been computed thus enhancing the process. Some users have experimentally tried to answer this question and provided interesting hints. We are confident that approaches of this type will help provide interesting guidelines to enhance practical use of this type of locations.”

Our experiments

Let’s take a look at our experiment in 2007 [6]:


Here the accuracy of LC 2 and LC 1 locations given by Argos:

- Class 2: better than 350 m, 500 m radius
- Class 1: better than 1000 m, 1500 m radius

Taking as good the LC 2 and LC 1 [7] locations given by our bird (Navarre), we have calculated the discrepancy of LC B locations and LC A locations from the good ones (LC 2 and LC 1) in the following way:

Assuming as on March 5th that we have a LC 2 location followed by a LC B location, in a very short period of time when the bird is supposed not to move, the accuracy of LC B location is, more or less:

0.500 km + distance between LC 2 and LC B (measured through Google Earth): 0.500 + 0.6 = 1.100 km

Studying all the data given by our birds, we have found that in the worst cases taking into account locations in very short periods of time, where it is supposed that the bird doesn't move:

(1) The accuracy of the LC A and LC B locations depend on the pair PTT/bird.
(2) For Navarre, ID 73388, the LC A locations, in the studied cases, have an error between 5.46 and 9.37 km [8].
(3) For Navarre, ID 73388, the LC B locations, in the studies cases, have an error between 1.10 and 10.82 Km.

We have very few samples of data from the Asturian bird to compare LC A and LC B locations; even worse, we do not have any emission with LC 2 or LC 1 location to measure the discrepancies. We can only say the following:

(4) For the Asturian woodcock, ID 72452, the distance between LC A locations, in very short periods of time, has an error between 0.42 and 3.66 km.

(5) For the Asturian woodcock, ID 72452, the distance between LC B locations, in very short periods of time, has an error between 3.12 and 4.36 Km.

In this case, we needed at least a LC 3, a LC 2 or a LC 1 location to measure the error of these locations.

All in all, one can say that, whatever the real errors of LC A locations and LC B locations for this bird, the LC A locations do not have a big difference among their errors (0.42-3.66), neither LC B locations among theirs (3.12-4.36).

(6) Using the same methodology, our LC 0 locations for Navarre can be considered as pretty goods. For Navarre, ID 73388, the LC 0 locations, in the studied cases, have an error between 5.18 and 5.90 km.

(7) In our experiment one LC B location has more accuracy than LC 1 locations and two LC A locations had equal accuracy than LC 0 locations, in line with the works of Hays et al. and Vincent et al. [9].

Now, let’s see the data in 2008:

(8) In 2008 Navarre, ID 73388, has given very few good positions to make such kind of calculus.

We have only a datum, on May 16th, when we have a LC 2 location (at 3:27 UTC) followed by an LC A location (at 3:22). Five minutes between both locations.

If we apply the above mentioned methodology (as an exercise, since, the time between both locations is too long):

Distance (through Google Earth) between LC 2 and LC A locations: 4.5 km.

Accuracy of LC 2 location according to Argos: 500 meters.

So, in the worst of all cases, accuracy of that LC A location: 4.5 + 0.50 = 5.00 km.

But, five minutes is too long. So, let’s try a new methodology.

New methodology

Velocity of fly [10]:

When Araba was flying at night, above the sea, we calculated his velocity: 66km/h, in tune with the literature.

Assuming a velocity of 60 km/h during the day, high enough, we can perform the following calculus.

1m/s = 3.6 Km/h, so 60 km/h = 16 m/s, but let’s take this very extreme hypothesis as good.

(9) Let’s use this new methodology with Navarre:

As mentioned above, in the worst of all cases, accuracy of Navarre’s LC A location, on May 16th: 4.5 + 0.50 = 5.00 km.

Now we have to add the possible space traveled in those five (5) minutes (a very strong hypothesis).

5 x 60 x 16 ---> 4,800 meters ---> 4.8 km.

So the accuracy of the LC A location given by Navarre is 4.8 + 5.00 = 9.85 km.

(Again, the hypothesis is really strong.)

(10) With Laguna (ID 83297) and Araba (ID 83300) we don’t have the possibility to know the accuracy of LC A and LC B locations, since the locations given in a single emission are not very near in time.

Assuming, as on March 16th, that we have, for Araba (ID 83300), a LC 1 [11] location followed by a LC A location, in a period of time of 4.5 minutes, the accuracy of LC A location is, more or less:

Accuracy of LC 1 location (according to Kaatz) 3.19 km + distance between LC 1 and LC A locations (measured through Google Earth) + distance traveled by the bird (at 16 m/s) in those 4,5 minutes:

3.19 + 0.5 + 4.32 = 8.01 km.

We don’t have any more data to apply this new methodology.


The point to be underlined is that in order to track the Eurasian woodcocks these LC B and LC A locations are very important: furthermore, they are real, objective and with a little work one can get their accuracy.


Hays, G. C., S. Åkesson, B. J. Godley, P. Luschi and P. Santidrian (2001)

Kaatz, M. (2004) Mit Prinzesschen unterwegs, 25 Jahre Storchenhof Loburg, 25 Jahre NABU-Bundesarbeitsgruppe Weißstorchschutz. Thesis’ title: Der Zug des Weißstorchs Ciconia ciconia auf der europäischen Ostroute über den Nahen Osten nach Afrika.

Vincent, C., B. J. McConnel, M. A. Fedak and V. Ridoux (2002) Assessment of Argos location accuracy from satellite tags deployed on captive grey seals, Marine Mammal Science 18:301–322 (see

For more information, see

[1] See Scolopax rusticola without frontiers:
[2] See Location accuracy of emissions gathered via satellite: Ortega from Argos wrote us to take into account the GDOP phenomenon and the fact that the accuracies given by Argos are inside ellipses.)
[3] See and
[4] The so-called GDOP, Geometric Dilution of Precision, is a measure of the effect of the geometry of the satellite-beacon configuration on location accuracy. The actual Argos location accuracy depends on both the GDOP value and the quality of the transmitter (frequency stability). As a general rule, a smaller GDOP value yields a more accurate position. See
[5] The errors 150m/ 350 m/ 1000m are in each axis of the ellipse. The radius of the circle of error is greater.
[6] In 2006, we had no possibility to make this kind of calculus. The periods of time between the different emissions given in the same day were not short at all. (About our different projects, see Scolopax rusticola without frontiers:
[7] One should take into account what Kaatz says in his thesis about class 1 locations. Michael Kaatz (2004) has taken into account the real positions following the storks and the positions given by Argos. When dealing with the accuracy of the emissions, Kaatz underlines the following: Using the 68th percentile to define the accuracy of locations estimates, observed accuracy was 3.19 km for location class (LC) 1. With more percentile the accuracy is even less. According to Kaatz, the accuracy depends on the radiated power and on oscillators: lower oscillators minimize the frequency drift.
[8] We have taken into account Kaatz’s thesis.
[9] As to the accuracy of class A and B locations, here what can be read in Hays et al. (2001): “In our trials the accuracy of LC A was comparable to that of LC 1. LC B had poorer accuracy than LC A, but the worst level of accuracy was found in LC 0.”
According to C. Vincent et al. (2002), "Both filtered and unfiltered LC A locations were of a similar accuracy to LC 1 locations, and considerably better than LC 0 locations."
[10] See Scolopax rusticola without frontiers:
[11] See what is said in note 8.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Scolopax rusticola without frontiers: New technology

In our third project, in 2008, we deal with two prototypes given by MTI.

The PTTs have a special duty cycle of 55/8. One of the main aims of this project is to see the performance of the new PTTs against the European interferences. Another one, of course, is to know the migration of two Eurasian woodcocks: Araba and Laguna.

On March 8th, 2008, Laguna was caught in Legutio (Araba, Basque Country). After the emission of September 24th, Laguna gave no more datum. Laguna’s whole track is around 3,710 km. Laguna has gone up to the surroundings of Elizarovo, in Kostroma.

On December 27th Laguna was hunted at Legutio, at 454 meters from his release point. So, Laguna has become an iron woodcock. He has been able to come back to the same place where we caught him, crossing Europe while the hunting period was open. All in all, his whole track has been around 7,420 km.

On March 10th, 2008, Araba was caught in Lukiano (Araba, Basque Country). From September 14th on, in all the different emissions the activity sensor has not changed: Araba is dead and/or his PTT is detached. Araba’s whole track is around 3,280 km. Araba has gone up to the surroundings of Rantala, Republic of Karelia.

The final result is net: the European interferences have been overcome with both PTTs, during all the time the tracking lasted and in all the different atmospheric circumstances.

For more information, see Scolopax rusticola without frontiers: and

Note: Araba’s PTT was recovered in Rantala, region of Suojarvi, Karelia in September 2009. See The recovery of Araba’s PTT in Karelia:

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Some photographic documents (Navarre)

Navarre after her release

Navarre's track (2007): 3,888 km

Navarre's track (2007/2008): Iron woodcock

Navarre's track (up to 2008): Golden woodcock

Navarre's track (up to 2008/2009), around 19,000 km:

Diamond woodcock