Saturday, September 3, 2022



Dear Paul,

In some few days the birds will 'APPEAR'... No doubt!

I was called by the CCB, the Club.

They want to publish something about your new PTTs, in the Club's magazine.

What is the information that I can give them about those PTTs?

Tell me, please, ... Give me some data... Some characteristics, your plan...?

On the other hand, I have planed to ask you for an Interview for that magazine... (let' think about that)

The questions would be something like those: (this is just without thinking about them)

a) why your interest for the woodcocks?

(Remember that your German friend told you that it was impossible to track those small birds...)

b) you give us a couple of PTTs when you performed the FIRST revolution, with very new solar micro cells... Remember? That was great.. Why you chose us?

c) Now, at the start of the SECOND revolution... Why did you choose us?

Plus anything you want to say...

We shoul think about all this... it's a good plataform to spread your work...

Thanking you in advance...

Have a nice time.

