e-mail (2020)
2020(e)ko otsailakren 17(a), astelehena 15:05
joseba felix tobar-arbulu <josebafelix@outlook.es>
Hello my good friend Joseba,
Thank you for the message and attachment. I'm sorry I did not send you New Year greetings - Thank you for yours, I am a delinquent at heart !
I have been very busy working on our new PTTs but progress has not been as fast as I would have hoped, physically I have the design for a sub 10g GPS PTT finished and several prototypes built, but the software for it is not finished. As soon as it is then I would like to donate a couple of them to you to track Woodcock. Though I fear it will be too late for this year ? Remind me of when your team can trap Woodcock.
I've also been working on several other new PTTs, a smaller Popup tag for fish and a potentially 1 gram one ! - I will know soon how much it actually weighs as I am finishing the first prototype now.
Hopefully you have been enjoying your walks in the countryside over the winter, here we have been experiencing the wettest winter I can remember, luckily we live on top of the hills and our land drains well. Others have not been so fortunate with flooding in many places around us.
Well that's my update on life for the moment, I will listen to the Coates interview when I get home later, thank you.
Take care of yourself and our best wishes to your wife and daughters.
W. Howey PhD.
Microwave Telemetry Inc.
Columbia 100 Parkway